Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A-Rod is a beast
Alex Rodriguez is currenty on pace to hit 119 home runs and have 290 RBI's. He has outhomered 8 teams by himself, including the Dodgers. He has twice as many home runs as the guy in second place. A-Rod is otherworldy right now. If the MVP were decided today, he would be unanimously chosen, even though the Yankees are 8-11 and last in the AL East.

One of the reasons people hate this guy so much is that he makes a ridiculous amount of money: about $22 million a year. But considering he has more home runs than 8 whole teams, some of which (like the Dodgers, who will be lucky to have 2 or 3 guys exceed the 14 HR's he has right now all year) have payrolls exceeding $100 million, the argument can be made that he's actually worth every penny. He wont continue at this pace. It's impossible. But if he can maintain something even remotely close to it and hits 60 something home runs, I say he is worth his salary. Just consider the ridiculous offseason we just had in which players like Carlos Lee and Barry Zito got 9 figure contracts. Are you telling me A-Rod's not a kajillion times better than both of those players? If he had been a free agent last offseason, it's quite possible he could have signed a deal for even more than he's making now.

Which begs the question: Will he stay or will he go? Do I see A-Rod in Dodger blue next year, with Wilson Bet-he-stinks kicked to the curb? Probably not, since Frank "Cheap-ass" McCourt would never shell out that kind of dough for a player. But we can certainly dream.

Sheryl Crow is crazy
Looks like the break up of Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow didn't turn out so well for either side. First Lance became Matthew McConaughey's butt buddy and now this has happened. Sheryl Crow, in an attempt to encourage the preservation of trees, encouraged everyone to use only one square of toilet paper after a poop.

One square.


What is she thinking!?
One square!?? Is she insane!?!? I don't know anyone who can clean themselves with one square. It's just not humanly possible. Look, I'm all for saving the earth and all, but if I have to sacrifice anal cleanliness, then you can forget about it. In my view, a few more trees cut down is very much worth the prevention of rectal itch.

Btw, this means that Sheryl Crow is probably walking around with a dirty butt all the time. I will never look at her the same.


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