Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Afflalo Bolts
Aaron Afflalo can breathe easy. He won't have to worry about choking in big games for a while, since he'll be spending the next year or two with his ass in a chair. After declaring for the NBA draft today, Afflalo dropped all his classes and began preparation for his pre-draft workouts. He's currently projected as a late first round pick, and will probably follow in the footsteps of fellow Bruin Jordan Farmar by warming an NBA bench or ripping up the D-League.

So how will we reflect on the Aaron Afflalo era? In the past I've put the "black Jason Kapono" tag on him, but that's not such a good comparison anymore. Kapono was a much better shooter and Afflalo a much better defender. Kapono also never got us past the sweet sixteen. Still, at UCLA, a school that is the greatest college basketball institution in history, the all time leader with 11 NCAA basketball championships and 99 overall, the Afflalo era will be incomplete. Only banners are appreciated here. That's just the way it is.

Now the Bruins must look towards next season with a gaping hole in the 2 guard spot. Afflalo and Josh Shipp were the only 2 passable swingmen we had last year, meaning someone new has to step up. I mean, we're not seriously considering starting Michael Roll, are we?

Tomko doesn't suck. Time stops.
Amazing phenomenon took place yesterday that only happens once every 3000 years. Brett Tomko pitched well. In 6 innings, he threw 92 pitches, gave up 1 hit, and struck out 9, propelling the Dodgers to a 2-1 victory. So am I pissing myself yet? Absolutely not. Tomko was half decent to start the season last year, only to implode a month in and revert back to the old Brett Tomko. You know, the one who sucks. That's the Brett Tomko I know, and one start isn't gonna change that perception.

In other baseball news, Dice-K faces Ichiro for the first time in the Major Leagues today. The entire country of Japan will orgasm simultaneously.


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