Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Everyone's Juiced: Word is out that the WWE is being investigated in a steroid probe. Wrestlers who are suspected of using include: Randy Orton, Edge, Rey Mysterio, and others. This is a stupid story, and can't possibly surprise anyone. I'd be surprised if there were any professional wrestlers that didn't use steroids of some kind. And who cares? It's wrestling. It's not like anyone's actually competing.

Speaking of steroids, turns out I could be wrong about the 300 guys getting juiced up for the film. If you haven't already seen their workout, you can catch a glimpse of it here. Although it looks ridiculously intense, I maintain the stance that it's quite probable some of the actors obtained some chemical help. They were just too buff.

Speaking of 300, and looking back on the whole 'choose your next Bond' thing, how was Gerard Butler not chosen as the next James Bond? He seems like the perfect fit. Certainly a much better one than Daniel Craig, who, while OK in Casino Royale, looks a bit Russian for my taste. Butler is not blonde, is a true Scot (like one Sean Connery), possesses great charisma, and can clearly nail all the action scenes required of a Bond film (as witnessed in 300, and, to a lesser extent ... Tomb Raider 2). I truly believe that if 300 had come out 2 years ago, Butler, and not Craig, would be 007. Would it be possible to have a Bond recall?

Actual Sports News
Grady Little was given a one year extension today. Am I happy about this? Well .... argh ... fine. (But not really)

We've gone through 2 rounds of the Big Dance and UCLA is still alive. None of my sleeper picks really made it through, simply because the fucking pumpkin forgot to pick Cinderella up this year. No one under a 7 seed (UNLV) is still in the tournament, which means people winning their pools this year are all gutless adherers to the seeding. But I'm not too bitter. I still have 13 of the sweet 16 right, so I'm not in too bad shape.

Kobe has had to score 115 points in the last two games for the Lakers to squeeze out victories against the Blazers and the T-Wolves. If that doesn't prove the rest of the team sucks balls, I don't know what does.

Note to Students: We're well into finals week, which means everyone is stressed out of their minds. The defense mechanism most overused by students has got to be "I'm going to fail." But do they actually fail? Rarely. It's way too overblown. Everyone's views are so distorted, they fail to take everything into perspective and realize that finals are just tests. We've all taken hundreds of them, shouldn't we be used to this by now?
Grade inflation has made it difficult to actually fail a class in this day and age, so it's a little annoying to hear people scream about their imminent test implosions, then come out the other end with a B-. Just like how 40 is the new 30, C (which used to mean average) is the new F. I hate school.


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