Friday, March 09, 2007

24 is in a rut. The show that has mesmerized me on Monday nights the last few years with its exploding action, unforgiving torture, and patriotism-out-the-ass, has now lost some of its thunder. In my eyes, Heroes is now the best show on television. This is not so much a bash on Jack Bauer, but a tribute to how great the new superhero sensation show is. 24 is still entertaining, but the formula is getting a bit ... dare I say it, old. The first four hours of this season were phenomenal, but by the end of the 2 night monster premiere, they'd fired off most of their bullets. By day 6 we've seen Jack kill hundreds of Arabs. We've seen him get back stabbed by every ridiculous radical who inexplicably holds a position at CTU or in Washington. We've seen the characters we've grown attached to: Tony Almeda, Michelle Dessler, David Palmer, get slaughtered like cattle. Will anything surprise us anymore?

So what can the producers do to keep the show fresh? Here are a couple suggestions:
1) Can Wayne Palmer. Has any actor who ever portrayed the President of the United States been less convincing? I just can't envision this guy as President. Every time I look at him I get flashbacks to Romeo Must Die when he got thrown out the window. The President of the United States does not get thrown out of windows.
2) Bring back the hotness. Kim Bauer has to come back. So does Audrey Raines. The number of good looking women on this show has waned, and we all know it's impossible for any show to hold up without good looking women (comedies, like Seinfeld, are exempt from this rule). Did FOX really expect to replace two blonde bombshells by dyeing Chloe's hair and adding a cute Arab? Come on now.
3) Change up the formula. How many times can Jack stop terrorists from nuking Los Angeles? They need to change it up. Maybe move the show to a different city ala Nip/Tuck. Maybe have Jack in need of rescue. Maybe add some fresh and exciting new characters instead of the usual monotone-get-down-to-business types.

Keifer Sutherland is signed on to do two more seasons of the show after this one. After his contract runs up, it'd be nice if he called it a series. It'll have been a great run, and I'll watch til the last kill, but all good things must come to an end. It'd be a shame if 24 became the Randy Johnson of TV shows and kept going much longer than it should.

Here are a couple quick hits from the world of sports:

David Beckham's knee will be fine. He'll only be out a month, then he'll be ok to move to LA, so rest assured, the reality show deal is intact.

Kobe's wife was admitted to the emergency room last night after he broke her legs with his natural rape motion follow through.

Brett Tomko actually thinks he can win the fifth starter job. Isn't that cute?

After Aaron Afflalo's 3 point, 1 for 7 shooting performance against Cal in the PAC-10 tournament, A-Rod called him and warned him not to choke in the big dance.

There are reports that Tom Brady has now also knocked up Giselle Bundchen. Impressive, Tom. But you still lose: Tom Brady - 2 illegitimate children. Karl Malone - 67.


At 11:28 AM , Blogger Dave Carrol said...

Hey I've loved 24... at least when the dude who set off the nuke is a very popular Canadian Comedian named Shawn Majumder!

All across Canada,,, we were all weirded out!

At 11:46 PM , Blogger RubWong said...

Dude whats up steve! You got a very informative blog man! good stuff! Im gonna be checkin up on it when I make wagers for some tips man! I gotta grab a heineken and watch a game with you sometime man!


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