Monday, May 21, 2007

Brooms on the Freeway
After taking 5 of the last 6 from Cincinnati and St. Louis, the Dodgers were feeling pretty good going into the weekend series with the Angels. So they piled onto the team bus like a bunch of happy kids going off to camp. As they drove down the 5, Derek Lowe raved about Carolyn Hughes in the sack, Olmedo Saenz showed everyone his man-boobs, Grady Little drabbled on like Boomhauer; all was good in the Dodger bus.

But then they got off the bus and apparently forgot to bring their game with them. They were easily swept. In the three games, they managed more errors (6) than runs (4). All three Dodgers starters took the loss. Amazingly, they're still in first place, though only by a game. Now the slumping Brewers (3-7 in their last 10 games) come to town but the Dodgers must face their top three starters (Suppan, Sheets, Capuano). On the bright side, Wilson Betemit has raised his average to .179.

Sly Fined
Sylvester Stallone was ordered to pay over $10,000 in fines this weekend after Austrailian airport officials found 48 vials of HGH in his luggage. It's no secret Stallone was on something. I mean, the guy's pushing 60 and looks buffer than a Spartan. Now everyone just knows what it is he's on. And you wonder why baseball players take this stuff?

The NBA Draft Lottery is tomorrow, with Memphis and Boston having the best chances to land Oden or Durant. But let's forget about the basketball aspect of things for a while and look at this:
Does this look like a 19 year old to you? NO! There's no chance Oden is 19. None. I don't care what anyone says. Show me his birth certificate, and I'll say it's a fake. There's just no bloody way that guy is 19. To whatever team gets the #1 pick: Beware. Just you wait. 2 years into his NBA career, Greg Oden will announce his retirement. At the age of 41.

Crazy-Ass Dream of the Night
So I'm going to try to remember my dreams from now on. Just for the hell of it. I'll make an attempt to log them here whenver I do remember. Last night's dream consisted of me and a bunch of my friends singing karaoke on one of those elevator ledges those window washers use to clean skyscrapers. Only there was a giant trampoline beneath us - some 10 stories below. People fell off and bounced right back up onto the ledge. Oh yeah, and we were drunk. People vomitted.


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