Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Bonds on Bonds on Roids
Barry Bonds homered again yesterday, putting him at 745. At this pace he'll break Hank Aaron's record sometime in mid-June. A new study came out the other day reporting that 75% of blacks are rooting for Bonds to break the record, but only 25% of whites are doing the same. Of course, this suggests some sort of racism on the part of white people, but that's just not the case.

White people don't dislike Barry Bonds because he's black. White people dislike Barry Bonds because he's a dick. He's indignant towards his teammates and the press, and disrespected the game by juicing up. Race is more of an issue for black people, who have a history of rooting for other blacks to succeed, even though they may recognize all the wrongs (remember OJ?). I think if Bonds were white, the number of his white supporters would stay low, but his black supporters would drop dramatically. White people just aren't being racist here. They hate the player not for his skin color, but for how he's treated people and for what he's done to deface game, as in Pete Rose's case.

Bonds should make the Hall of Fame simply based on his pre-steroids days (8 time All-Star, 3 MVP's, 8 Gold Gloves). But his defecation on the dignity of baseball should not go unnoticed by the public, regardless of what race you are.

Dodger News
After Brad Penny threw his gas by 14 Marlins on Monday, the Dodgers came back yesterday and folded like origami. Jeff Kent and Rafael Furcal both committed errors to help squander a 4-1 lead. Then, in the 9th, Russel Martin allowed a passed ball which moved the winning run into scoring position. Of course, Miguel Cabrera then comes up and singles him in. Typical Dodgers. One day they're great, the next they look like the Bad News Bears.

My Spider Sense Made Me Nauseous
I have to say something about Spider-Man 3, which shattered box office records this weekend by pulling in $150 million, but was thoroughly disappointing.

I will always wonder why the producers decided to go with the two-villain idea. Don't they remember that this is precisely what killed the first Batman series? That and the cartoonification of the movies (Engraved nipples on the Bat-suit? Come on.), which Spider-Man is quickly repeating. Going with two super villains always endangers a comic book film. There just isn't enough time to develop both characters, which is glaringly evident in Spider-Man 3. They make a daft attempt to give the background of Flint Marko. Sandman is just a tool in this film. Nothing more. You never really feel for him at all. They also completely ignore the complexity of Eddie Brock. Venom is supposed to be a vengeful, dark, fear-instilling villain. But sadly, Topher Grace and his sarcastic humor don't fit the bill at all.

And then there's the whole "Dark-Peter-Parker-dancing-around-winking-at-women" thing, which might go down as one of the most ridiculous scenes in the history of film. It seems as if director Sam Raimi ran out of ideas, got a little full of himself and said, "To hell with it. I can do whatever I want. This is Spider-Man!" This all goes back to the cartoonification idea. Superhero movies these days get respect because they take themselves seriously (i.e. Batman Begins). In the first two movies, there was light humor, but nothing as over the top as this scene. With most of the general public still fighting the notion that comic books are for kids, doing something cartoonish like this endangers the franchise. Combined with the sub-par script and mediocre acting, the amazing CG action sequences just can't overcome everything to make the movie good.

Sony has signed the deal to create a 4th, 5th, and 6th movie, but it might be a time for a change. The series could use a little rejuvenation, which means Raimi probably needs to go. Unfortunately, this means Toby Maguire and Kirsten Dunst would also jump ship. This would be fixable, however, as Magire and Jake Gyllenhall are practically the same actor, and they can easily find another actress to play the one dimensional Mary-Jane part. Let's just hope they don't try to cram Mysterio, Scorpion, and Kraven the Hunter into Spider-Man 4.


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