Saturday, February 10, 2007

Chan Ho Park just signed a deal with the New York Mets, taking him out of the NL West and frequent competition with the Dodgers. Now I know there's no chance whatsoever of Fernando Tatis making the club. We've also signed Larry Bigbie to a minor league deal. Bigbie has had some rough years recently, and hasn't really been good since, ... well ... ever. Great. At least pitchers' and catchers' report date to spring training is just days away now. This shouldn't make me nearly as excited as I actually am.

Valentine's Day is coming up this week. I am now convinced that this holiday was created by the mafia-controlled floral and candy industries to suck money from the pockets of men all over the world. And that's ok, but someone needs to create an international "Man Day" out of fairness. Why haven't the beer and nacho industries jumped on this opportunity? It's nonsensical. If Cesar Chavez, Christopher Columbus, and trees can all have holidays, why can't there be a holiday to celebrate sitting on the couch, eating some chicken, drinking a brew, and watching the game in HD? Oh wait. There already is. It's called Sunday.

It's official. Claire Bennett is a Petrelli. I should've seen it coming, but I was shocked. Heroes ... what a crazy show.

Just when you thought the Clippers would finally push their way above .500 for good, they stink it up and fall right back down. Three straight losses to teams from the mighty Eastern conference (Toronto, New York, and Cleveland) before barely squeaking out a 1 point victory in Philly (and we all know how good Philly is) have pretty much made me lose all hope in this Clippers season. Think they'll make a run after the break? Well, some changes need to be made. Get rid of MDS, trade away Maggette already, and tell Shaun Livingston to stop being such a pipsqueak.

UCLA fell to West Virginia today. There should be a rule against West Coast teams going over to the East Coast to play afternoon games. I mean, the Bruins' biological clocks were on 10 AM Pacific and must have been drained after the emotional win over USC a couple days ago. The scheduling guy really fucked this one up. Next year, if we go East of the Mississippi, make sure it's a night game. Now the ESPN guys will talk about the holes the Bruins have and say they have no chance against teams like Florida and UNC. It will be the first time they've mentioned UCLA since we last lost, and they will bash the Pac-10 even though we have more teams in the top 25 than any other conference. Sometimes, I hate ESPN.


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