Monday, January 15, 2007

A couple thoughts:

1) These first four hours of 24 have been the greatest period of television ever produced. I have never felt more of an intense sense of shock and bewilderment than after the ending of the fourth episode. Excellent work to everyone involved.

2) In case you haven't heard, the Dodgers are turning the entire right field pavilion into an all-you-can-eat buffet next season. For $40 you can have unlimited Dodger Dogs, pretzels, nachos, popcorn, and anything else you can stuff your fat face with. Just another terrible idea approved by the McCourts. As if America wasn't fat enough, as if people in the right field pavilion weren't rowdy enough, now food fights and waistlines will quintuple.

3) Conference championship weekend in the NFL. Pats vs. Colts, Saints vs. Bears. My picks:
Colts 30, Pats 17
Saints 20, Bears 16

Superbowl XLI:
Saints 24, Colts 20

OK. So this probably won't happen. But it's nice to think, right? New Orleans deserves it.

4) A couple fiascoes occurred at this year's Golden Globes. First off, Grey's Anatomy beat 24 for best TV drama. Grey's is good, but definitely not better than 24 by any means. Unacceptable. Secondly, Dreamgirls beat Little Miss Sunshine for best musical/comedy. LMS was the best comedy I'd seen all year. Yes, better than Borat. I just don't see how Dreamgirls is better than either of those two. But whatever. This is why Golden Globes are forgotten about like the week-old cheeseburger in the back of the fridge. They don't matter because the Hollywood Foreign Press is stupid.

5) Stomp the Yard is #1 at the box office. All's right with the world.


At 10:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) oMG 24 was SO intense!! more like the last 10 min of the 4 hr marathon just had me gasping the whole time. curtissssss =*(*****

2) is $40 really worth it? i mean yeah i think i can eat/drink $40 worth of dodger food/drinks, but really, 5 dodger dogs? i can just go get myself 5 hot dogs for like $10.

3) no comment. don't follow football. sorry! haha oh except tom brady? is that his name? he's kinda cute.

4) oOo i haven't seen LMS but now that my friend put me on the list for his unlimited rentals @ blockbuster for like 3 months, i think i'll get around to it on dvds soon. hopefully. and yes, 24 is good. i don't really follow grey's so i can't really tell u which is better. but 24's won some awards too right? oh btw, i think u prollie already kno this but they came out w/ the dvd for the first 4 episodes already for this season of 24. i think that's pretty funny.

5) yeah, sounds about right. but i don't think i'll ever be watching that movie.

At 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


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