Friday, November 17, 2006

Boston Red Sox General Manager Theo Epstein has proven his brilliance in the recent past, but as of now, he's looking very foolish. He posted the high bid of $51.1 million on the bright young shiny Daisuke Matsuzaka earlier in the week, which waaaaay exceeded the bid of any other team. Matsuzaka will be a good pitcher in the Major Leagues, but at these prices, he'd better be Cy Young good. The $51 million was just a posting fee that will be given to the Seibu Lions of Nippon Professional Baseball. Here was a team that was on the verge of bankruptcy that all of a sudden has enough money to field an entire roster (The posting fee was about three times the entire payroll of the Lions ballclub last year). Now the Sox have to actually sign him to a contract. His agent, Scott Borass-hole, is reportedly seeking a three year deal so Matsuzaka can be a free agent again before he's 30. You've got to figure a 3 year deal will probably end up in the range of $40 million. So in total, the Red Sox will be paying over $90 million for three years of service from Matsuzaka. That's $30 mil a year. That's more than A-Rod makes. That's ridiculous.

It seems now that the Red Sox have grown Steinbrenner-sized pockets. Other than Matsuzaka, Epstein is apparently courting former Dodgers J.D. Drew and Julio Lugo. This just makes me laugh. Word is they're prepared to offer Drew a deal in the range of 4 years, $50 million, which would easily be more than the money he had remaining on his Dodgers contract. I was obviously wrong when I said nobody would be stupid enough to give Drew that kind of money the other day. You never know how retarded people can get. This would be a match made in hell for both sides. Other than New York, there is no baseball town where the team and players are more scrutinized than Boston. J.D. Drew would get killed there. Not just for showing the competitive drive of a potato, but for his inevitable trips to the DL and necessary coddling from his manager to keep him off of that DL. As for Julio Lugo .... , well, have fun with that, Boston. We've already got plenty of guys who can hit .220.

Campus Story of the Day: I'm sure a lot of you have already heard about the Iranian-American student getting tasered at UCLA's Powell Library Tuesday night. If you haven't, you can read up on it and watch the video. This student is an idiot. He claims he purposely did not show his ID because he thought he was being racially profiled. Did he really expect that to fly with the police? In this day and age, police officers need to be extra careful about possible terrorist attacks. If you were a cop and you had to deal with an uncooperative Middle-Eastern man in a public place late at night, it would certainly make you nervous. He should have realized that the ID checks were in place for the safety of all the library patrons, not to offend people. Even if it was blatant racial profiling, all he had to do was show his ID and it would be over, without tasering. It's that simple. What was he trying to prove? Was he trying to become some kind of martyr, yelling "Here's your Patriot Act!" as the police dragged him away? The Patriot Act has nothing to do with him being belligerent with police and refusing to show ID after hours in the library. What a douchebag.

That said, all the tasering was a bit excessive. I'm alright with tasering him once or twice to get him to stop resisting, but three, four, five times? When he's already handcuffed? And threatening other students in the library who were asking for their badge numbers? Unnecessary. You've gotta hand it to the LAPD. Shit like this always seems to happen to them, and it's no coincidence. They're the most racist, hated, and corrupt police department in the nation. The LAPD: to protect, serve, and beat the shit out of minorities in the community.


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