Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I hope you all enjoyed your turkeys this Thanksgiving, cuz Ned Colletti has made a turkey out of himself over the holiday weekend. Let us examine the moves, remembering that the Dodgers' most glaring need is a power bat. First, he inexplicably gives $45 million over 5 years to Juan Pierre. Now let's think about this. Pierre is basically Kenny Lofton, only 10 years younger and 3 times as expensive. I'd have much rather seen Ned give out a shorter deal to a guy like Dave Roberts than to pay Pierre this much to have an OBP of .330. Power bat acquired? Nope.

Then Ned gave Randy Wolf a 1 year $8 million deal, virtually guaranteeing that Greg Maddux won't be back unless he can find a way to trade Brad Penny's fat ass. Wolf has a career ERA of 4.21. Decent, but nothing special. The Dodgers now have Penny, Lowe, Wolf, Billingsley, Kuo, Hendrickson, Tomko (who wants to go back to starting if they won't let him close) in the rotation. A surplus of starters that aren't any good is not a problem you'd like to have. On the bright side, at least this means Ned won't shell out $50 million for Jason Schmidt. Power bat acquired? Nope.

So what are the Dodgers to do about the slugger they so desperately need? Rumor is, it's Manny time! The Red Sox are making their annual trip to the bazaar dragging a tied up Manny Ramirez behind them. Supposedly this year they're serious about trading him. Supposedly the Dodgers are the front-runners. Supposedly the deal involves Jonathan Broxton, James Loney, and another name or two. Right. And supposedly Britney Spears is hot again. Somebody let me know when this actually happens. Knowing the Dodgers, they'll just sign Jeromy Burnitz.

Weather Complaint of the Day: How the hell did it get so cold so fast? Just last week you could walk around in a T-shirt and shorts and be completely comfortable. Now you'll freeze your balls off trying to walk to class in the morning. Winter needs to give a warning that it's coming. People have told me about it. It's called Autumn. Apparently it's huge on the East Coast. That's the thing about living in L.A. There are only really two seasons: rainy season and fire season. Changes come fast and they stay that way for a while. Time to bring out those puffy jackets!


At 9:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is cold! i hear it's hitting the 30s tonight here in sb =/ technically winter is not starting until december 22 at 12:22 am this year, according to wikipedia. boo for the cold.

anyways so did saito actually go bak to japan? did he miss the motherland way too much?

and good job on typing so much w/ ur hand! is it feeling better?


At 6:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

do we really have a rainy season? we never know when it's going to rain...one year we'll have record breaking rains, and other years we'll set record breaking droughts of rain. but fire season is quite exciting!


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