Wednesday, November 08, 2006

To all those ready to proclaim Andrew Bynum as the next Shaq: Calm the hell down. Don't get me wrong, the kid has had a great start to the season. He's really stepped up his game and has been filling in nicely for Kwame Brown, but I'm just not ready to anoint him the one to bring the Lakers back to the big time like the rest of L.A. seems so eager to do. We're only 5 games into the season and he's averaging about 13 and 8. Decent, but those ain't no Mehmet Okur numbers. So let's not pop blazing erections over a 19 year old kid with a frequently updated MySpace page. All NBA players have good runs every once in a while, even Chris Mihm (when he's not fishing, that is).

On to baseball, where the hot stove is heating up as free-agency signing period officially begins on Sunday. The big news of the day, however, is that the Oakland A's are moving to Fremont, CA. To those of you unfamiliar with Bay Area geography, Fremont is in the South-Eastern portion of the Bay and is an area filled with, as my roommate Joe calls 'em, "Hella rich people." The new ballpark plan features 36,000 seats and will be privately funded for about $300 million. I, personally, could not be happier for Billy Beane and co. If there is one stadium in America that needs to be blown up, ... well, Tropicana Field is it, but McAfee coliseum is definitely second. Large, gray, old, concrete, and unsexy, it's easily the biggest eyesore in the Bay. Now the A's will get to play in a much nicer ballpark and in a community consisting of mostly "hella Whites and Asians," where the average household income is nearly double what it is in Oakland.

With the new location picked out and the stadium planned, the main problem now becomes what to name the team. Fremont is actually farther from Oakland than it is from San Jose, which has been historically Giants territory. The most likely options seem to be the San Jose A's, the Fremont A's, or just to keep the team the Oakland A's, but I have some other good suggestions. Why not take a page out of the Angel's book and name the team "The San Jose A's of Fremont from Oakland," or how about "The Moneyball Masters," or even "The Hella Nor Cal Green Guys." Let the debate begin!

Sidenote: I hear a rumor that the Dodgers were close to a deal that would send Brad Penny and Mark Hendrickson to the Reds for Bronson Arroyo. It's probably an unfounded rumor, but interesting to ponder nonetheless. I would absolutely approve of this deal. Trading a 6' 10" tree who can't pitch and a fatass hothead with a bad back for a guy who had a 3.29 ERA in the Reds' joke of a ballpark AND lead the league in innings last year? If Ned's got this deal on the table, he should pull the trigger immediately. Not to mention Bronson Arroyo is a WHITE GUY ... with CORNROWS! Who doesn't love that!?


At 12:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i vote The Hella Nor Cal Green Guys for sure.


At 7:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's get Brad Penny's fat @55 out of town. We'll throw in Beimel too. But what about the D-Rays? Doesn't Ned exclusively deal with them now? Maybe we can trade Hensdick for Edwin Jackson, just in case we face Randy Johnson again.
KB24 for MVP


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