Monday, July 03, 2006

Congratulations Jordan Farmar. You were right. I was wrong. You got drafted into a great situation with the Lakers, playing again in your hometown. Hopefully you can take over the starting job from the deplorable Smush Parker, which shouldn't be that tough to do. As much as I wanted you to stay for your junior year, it's good to see you getting paid by the Lakers. Well done, lad.

I always enjoy it when former Bruins get paid. A couple seasons ago, Dan Gadzuric changed the pronunciation of his name, which led to a 6-year $36 million dollar contract. Is he worth that much? Absolutely not, but it's good to see him getting paid. Same with Earl Watson when he signed a 5-year $29 million dollar deal. If Jason Kapono getting paid to warm the bench in Miami, B-Diddy 450 lbs. overweight, and Dijon Thompson ripping up the NBDL are any indication of the future Jordan Farmar can expect, well, you've gotta be excited about that. Oh yeah, Ryan Hollins also got drafted.

Free agency is also heating up, with Vlade Radmanovic leaving the Clips for the Lakes. Way to go Vlade. Now you'll get to watch Kobe shoot all night long. What was wrong with your situation with the Clippers? They practically revived your career. You shouldn't have left. For the Clippers, this all became moot when they inked Tim Thomas, who is, in my eyes, superior to Radmanovic in almost every way. The only risk with Thomas is if you get the guy who Scott Skiles told to "go home" in Chicago instead of the guy in Phoenix who buried the Lakers in the playoffs. Let's hope he can keep his effort at a high level. Thank God D-Sterl shelled out the dough to Sam Cassell too. Now, we just have to re-ink Dunleavy and sign Kaman to an extension. Since when does Sterl become the cash flow king of the NBA? I don't know if I can count on this trend to continue. The money will stop leaving his wallet at some point. Lets just hope it happens after he resigns his coach and his ogre.

Two big names also left their respective teams. Peja left Indy for the Hornets and Big Ben left Detroit for Chicago. These are good signings for both teams. Peja still has a year or two of "above average but underachieving not quite all-star caliber" years left in him, and should compliment Chris Paul and David West nicely. Once Birdman comes off his drug suspension next offseason, watch out for the Hornets ya'll! As for Ben Wallace, some would question his leaving Detroit, but you have to think about his situation. Would you want to live in Detroit? Me neither. The Pistons at this point are at their peak. Without Big Ben, they are no longer championship caliber and are on the way down as their players get older. The Bulls are young and up-and-coming. They can only get better from here, and Wallace makes them a force in the East.

The Dodgers won today btw, in a weird game where Nomar got hit by a pitch three times and also got hit by a Jeff Kent grounder while running the bases. It hasn't been a good last couple days for Nomar, as he inexplicably got snubbed from the All-Star team. Everyone should go to and vote him in a thousand times. There is no way Nomar should be left off the team. VOTE NOMAHHHHHH!!!

Happy Independence Day! Go America!


At 11:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're slacking in the updating. I'm going to have to boycott this blog soon if i don't hear more dodger dirt.



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