Monday, June 12, 2006

Achtung! Achtung! People, Germany is back. Pushed down and weakened after WWII, the Berlin Wall has been down long enough now for the country to regain some of the strength it once possessed. It started this past February, when Germany won the medal count in the Torino Winter Olympics. Next Vee Dub started representin' Deustchland on da engineering tip. Then, Dirk plowed his way through the NBA playoffs, currently putting his foot up the Heat's ass in the finals. Now, with Germany hosting the World Cup, it seems all eyes are focused on this country. Germany hasn't had this quality of athletic competition since the 1930's when Jessie Owens and co. layed the smack down on Hitler's Aryan athletes. And with a Knight Rider movie just recently announced, it seems like the German rush wont slow down any time soon. My question: Is this a good thing?

Leading up to the World Cup, countless reports of racism surfaced, leading to many nervous black people playing in and watching the event. FIFA and the German government have supposedly cracked down on this, issuing penalties to teams whose players, coaches or fans exhibit open acts of racism and removing numerous swastika-laden flags around the nation. This is strangely reminiscent of how Hitler cleaned up Germany for world viewing prior to the 1936 Olympics, and then proceeded to try to take over the world. Has this country, still filled with Neo-Nazi parties, learned from its past mistakes? The world thought Germany had after WW I, but then WW II happened. If we think they've learned now, will they start WW III?

If Dallas wins the NBA championship, which is likely to happen now with them up 2-0, Dirk will become the premier player in the league. If Germany wins the World Cup, the country's confidence will rise faster than a bottle rocket. And if Hasselhoff's Knight Rider movie is a hit, dammit, the country might explode! With Germany once again fully confident of its place in the world, what's to stop them from trying to take over the Earth for a third time? Just be aware people. It's not so farfetched. Remember where you heard it first. I'm talkin' to you Poland. You know you're conquer zone #1.

So what are we to do? I don't know if there's anything we can do. Dirk's gonna lock down the title, there's nothing we can do about that, or about the startling presence of racism. Lord knows I can't stay away from anything with David Hasselhoff, that's totally out of the question. But if you don't see Knight Rider, I wouldn't blame you. We all just have to hope Brazil can win the cup again. Then, hopefully Germans wont be in enough of a confidence stupor to invade their neighbors. We must all pray for this.



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