Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Eric Gagne is back, biatch! In his first save since last year, he struck out Carlos Delgado and David Wright like the badass Canadian he is, freezing them with sick curves and even sicker changes. His fastball never topped 92, but that's good enough when your curve's going at 66. Hopefully no more blown saves now. Broxton almost blew it in the 7th before Saito came in and saved his ass. Saito is great. I love that guy. We're setting up to have Broxton, Saito, Gagne in that order late in games. It's gonna be tough to beat us when we got those 3 guys goin. We might even throw Danys Baez in there but he's shitty these days after being demoted from closer to setup man to middle reliever. Next demotion: ballboy. I wish we could demote him to bullpen car driver but those things don't exist anymore. I'm a little sad that they don't. I loved bullpen cars. There's nothing better than seeing a reliever getting driven out to the mound in a little golf cart with a large team hat as the roof. Classic.

The Dodgers are now 1.5 games back of the confusing Diamondbacks. They're confusing because I don't know how these guys win. They totally shouldn't. They have one good starting pitcher (Brandon Webb). Their team is full of horse shitters who stunk it up on so many other teams that they ended up there, but they're all hot. They have Damian Easley absolutely raking lately, Eric Byrnes and Shawn Green (career, what, .270 hitters combined?) hitting .320 each. This can't last the whole season. There's absolutely no way. The law of averages will prevail and the D-Backs will fall back into mediocrity, leaving the Dodgers to snatch up first place like Brent Lennox snatched up Peyton Manning on waivers that one year in Fantasy Football.

Sidenote: I totally would have gotten Peyton that year, but Lennox had higher waiver priority than me. I don't remember who did it, but how can you drop Peyton Manning? How? You're an idiot, whoever you are.


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