Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A running diary of today: (Yeah, I stole this idea from Bill Simmons, so what?)

12:05 pm - I wake up. Had a great dream about women and boats. What more could a guy want in a dream? Going to the bathroom, I realize it's Wednesday and the cleaning lady's coming today. This means my suitemate Ben has taken the floormats out of the shower and toilet rooms. Just to let you know, my other suitemate Josh bought these mats at the beginning of the school year and we've yet to wash either of them. Theyre both soaked with dried urine and dirty water, but we still use em, step on em, it's no big deal. Just thought you should know that.

1:30 - I eat a ramen for lunch. It's real good. Let's hope this serves as a reminder to me to buy that brand again. Beef Flavor. Easily one of the best bowls of instant noodle I've ever had.

3:15 - Josh comes back from an alcohol run at Ralphs. Be bought so much beer, I have to bring his giant suitcase down to the car to help him carry it all up. This is one of the biggest suitcases I've ever seen. The little asian guy from Ocean's Eleven could stand up and jump around in this thing. Walking back up to the room, it looks like we're carrying luggage back from a trip around the world.

4:00 - I'm at Boelter Hall taking my Statics midterm. I feel pretty good about this one.

5:30 - Finished with my test a whole half hour early. You know that guy who always finishes his test first and walks out of the room and you just know he's thinking to himself "Fuck I'm smart, I just aced that thing." while you silently think to yourself "I hate you"? That was me today, and man it felt good. Turning out to be a great day. The only thing that could make this a better day is the Dodgers and Clips winning.

8:00 - Clips and Dodger games are both underway. One thing I noticed about the Suns: Why do they play the Big Ben Bell everytime Raja Bell makes a basket?
Does he deserve this? I don't think so. As much as Raja flops around the floor on defense, they should ring little pussy jingle bells instead. That's Ben Wallace's gimmick anway. You can't go around stealing another guy's gimmick. That would be like Kurt Angle coming out to Triple H's music. It just shouldn't happen. This came up last year when Curt Schilling tried to become a closer and came out to "Welcome to the Jungle." That's the same song Eric Gagne comes out to with his whole Game Over deal. You can't steal another players music! Especially when he's a superstar. Needless to say, Schilling failed miserably as a closer, so there is good in the world.

8:45 - Watching the games tonight, I again had this thought, one I've had numerous times. LA fans have no idea how spoiled we are in the sports broadc
asting department. We've had Vin Scully on the Dodgers, Chick Hearn doing the Lakers, and Ralph Lawler for the Clippers. Game calling doesn't get any better than that, folks. Those three had been here longer than anyone could remember until Chick's unfortunate passing a few years ago. Immediately after, Paul Sunderland replaced Chick for the season and did a pretty good job. I have no idea why they yanked Sunderland in favor of Joel Myers. He's terrible. I could be high on meth and Myers would still put me to sleep with his monotone game calling. The only reason i still watch Laker games is to hear Stu Lantz say "On the Lakers Basketball Network" eighty times a night. With Scully nearing the end of his career, platooning with the Steiner-Lyons duo, we should cherish these games we have left. By the way, Ralph Lawler is still going strong. He and Mike Smith are by far the funniest announcers in the league.

9:30 - Clips and Dodgers both up big. Thank goodness Jeff Kent's coming around. He hit a three run homer last night and went deep for a 3-spot again tonight. His average has been about or below the Mendoza line pretty much all season, but with Nomar crankin' it like the No-MAHHHH of old, and J.D. Drew healthy (knock on wood), the Dodgers have a middle of the lineup that can compete with anyone in the NL. I always secretly liked Jeff Kent, even when he was a Giant. He's one of the only guys left in the league with enough balls to sport the baseball 'stache. Practically no one has a good 'stache nowadays like Eckersley and Rod Beck had back in the day. Even porn stars don't 'stache it up nowadays. Kudos, Jeff.

10:00 - Dodger game's over. Final score: 9-6 Dodgers. The Blue Crew had a 9-0 lead going into the 7th, then Tomko came out and the bullpen nearly blew it again. Seriously, how bad are these guys this year? Saito has been pretty much the only solid one. The rest of em, GET EM OUT! THEY STINK! Even Baez has been shaky (2.50 ERA but 4 blown saves in 12 chances this year). Eric Gagne please come back soon! Hopefully Broxton can mature fast into a steady reliever, cuz we definately need it. On the bright side, the Dodgers have now won 5 straight and are back at .500, meaning they have now clinched the NL West.

10:10 - Clipper game is now also over. Final score: Clippers 122, Suns 97. Utter dominance. This is exactly what expect more of in this series. We will do what the Lakers could not. Clippers in 6. What a great day for LA sports. I will now get drunk and watch my metal casting DVD.


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