Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, your National League Pitcher of the Month for August: Derek Lowe! Thank goodness that Lowe is going so well right now. After going 4-1 with a 1.69 ERA in August to win him the award, he comes out in September and immediately wins his first two starts. We're gonna need him to stay in tip-top form if we're gonna fend off those pesky Padres for the division crown, especially with Mark Hendrickson sucking so much penis. At least Hendrickson can now say he's been unsuccessful at not one, but two professional sports.

Before tonight's game, the Dodgers had lost their previous three in a row and were laying enormous Tyrannosaurus Rex eggs that the Milwaukee "Dave Chappelle" Brewers were eating up. The Dodgers are so streaky this year that the only time they appear on Baseball Tonight is when they flash up the records of the winning/losing streaks followed by Carl Ravitch saying something like: "Krukky, could you please Dissect the Duplicitous Dichotomy that is the Dodgers?" That much alliteration is never a good thing in sports.

Now comes the series we were all dreading on the schedule. A four game series with the Mets at Shea. If the Dodgers can somehow stay alive and split the four games, I'll be happy. We have Brad Penny going against Tom Glavine in the first game. In this series and next week's four gamer with San Diego, we'll see if the Dodgers are truly contenders, or just a bunch of guys who suck.


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