Sunday, August 13, 2006

What a great game today! Greg Maddux and Jason Schmidt had maybe the greatest pitching duel of the year, with each going eight shutout innings. Schmidt had 9 K's and Maddux only threw 68 pitches, the least for a starting pitcher through 8 this season. In the bottom of the tenth, Russel Martin hit a walk-off homer on the second pitch he saw from Vinnie Chulk (who?) to give the Dodgers the 1-0 victory, proving once again that the Giants pick their relievers out of the California Penal League.

This is the first time the Dodgers have swept the Giants at home since 1989. Nothing is better than seeing sorry ass Giants fans walk out of the stadium decked out in their Juiceman jerseys with their heads staring at the cracks in the cement; all while Dodger fans are booing them and yelling "SWEEEEEEP" as they walk by. That's what they get. Nothing pisses me off more than young idiot male Giants fans coming into Dodger Stadium and relishing all the boos they get by prancing around like faggots and spreading their arms saying "What? What?" Idiots. Like they really want to get into a fight with the 6'3" 260 lb Dodger fan from the I.E. named Armando. There's always at least one Armando-type sitting in every section, ready to beat the shit out of over-proud dumbass norcal boys until security regrettably comes over to make sure they get to their seats without being pounded.

So now that we've won 15 of 16 and have a 1.5 game cushion for the division lead, the Marlins come to town for another beat down like the one we gave them last week. D-Lowe goes against the D-Train in the first game. Here's to hoping he can stop banging Carolyn Hughes long enough to pitch a good game.


At 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen your POV makes me go wild!

At 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

E Proooooooooops hAHAH -emi


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