Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yesterday I alluded to the likely possibility that the Dodgers would get swept, and what do you know? It happened. Yet, I'll give them credit, they didn't go down without a fight. Well, with the umpires at least. All the wheels on the wagon fell off yesterday as three Dodgers were ejected from the game and they lost 7-2. The lead is now down to one game heading into Arizona.

The umpiring in this game was absolutely terrible. There's no excuse for it. First, Julio Lugo grounded out to end the 4th inning. Upset at himself for grounding out, he slammed his helmet on the ground with his head down, muttering to himself. The first base umpire Chris Guccione called Lugo out, turned around, did a little strut that most umpires do to because they think they're bad ass, then turned around in time to see him slam the helmet. Now, it was obvious from the tape that Lugo was not angry about the call, rather only at himself. But paranoid Guccione couldn't give him the benefit of the doubt without even seeing the full reaction, and tossed him from the game. What a douchebag.

Then the very next inning Grady Little came out to talk to Brad Penny, who had gotten himself in a jam by walking Adrian Gonzalez with a very close 3-2 fastball. The infield convened, and Jeff Kent, unable to keep his head buried in his motorcross magazine, told Russell Martin that the last pitch was a strike. Of course, home plate umpire Rick Reed overheard and started jawing at Kent. Little turned and walked two steps off the mound to try to calm Reed down, then went back to talk to his pitcher on the mound. At which point Padres manager Bruce Bochy had a hissy fit and, like the bitch he is, argued that Little had made two mound visits, which would automatically force Penny to come out of the game. The umpires, bamboozled by all that was going on, met about it for a few minutes, and then told Little that yeah, he had made two mound visits. Little, who was obviously upset at how petty Bochy was being and the incompetence of the umpiring, argued and was tossed. Then Reed, still unsure of what to do thought to himself:
"Oh shit, I don't know what to do! Do I have to take Penny out, or not? I can't make this kind of decision, I'm just a retarded umpire. Hey! I know! If I can get Penny to get himself ejected, my decision will be made for me!"
So, that's just what he did. Reed went up to the mound, purposefully said some things to Penny which got him pissed and eventually ejected. Idiot.

Vin Scully announced during the game that the MLB head of umpiring was actually there watching the game. If these umpires aren't reprimanded in some way for their shittiness, then it will truly be a shame on the integrity of MLB umpires.


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