Tuesday, July 31, 2007

KG In Green. What Does It Mean?
That's it. The deal is official. Kevin Garnett is no longer a Minnesota Timberwolf. After 12 seasons in the Twin Cities, he will leave not to be Phoenix Sun, or a Chicago Bull, or a Los Angeles Laker, but rather a Boston Celtic. Here's how the trade went down:

Boston gets:
Kevin Garnett

Minnesota gets:
Al Jefferson, Ryan Gomes, Gerald Green, Sebastian Telfair, Theo Ratliff, and two picks

This means that Boston now not only has three legit All-Stars, but perhaps the best "Big-Three" in the league. Think about it. Is there any other team whose top three players achieve the level of Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen? The only other threesome that comes to mind is Phoenix's Steve Nash, Amare Stoudemire and Shawn Marion, but I think Boston's guys might be even better in terms of skill.

The problem is getting them to play together. And play together with a bad coach (Doc Rivers), a bad bench, and a young raw point guard (Rajon Rondo). As of right now, the C's look like they'll have Rondo, Allen, Pierce, KG, and Kendrick Perkins as their starting five, with the likes of Brian Scalabrine, Tony Allen and rookies like Glen Big Baby Davis and Gabe Pruitt coming off the bench. Granted, they'll probably pick up a couple veteran role-players between now and the start of the season.

Can the big three overcome all these obsticals? Absolutely. The top of the East is a cluttered mess, with no clear cut beast team. Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Miami can all be had if this Boston team can come together. Rondo is talented and will improve, and even Doc Rivers couldn't screw these guys up. Props be to Danny Ainge for finally putting together a contender. Now if only the Lakers could do the same...

Bonds On the Verge of Record
It seems like it was preordained. Barry Bonds comes to Dodger Stadium one home run away from tying the record. The baseball gods seem bent on torturing the Dodgers for the rest of my lifetime.

I can see it now. Wednesday night ... 6th inning ... I'm about to finish my second watered-down $10 beer in order to sufficiently inebriate myself ... A necessary evil to prepare myself for what is about to happen ... Barry Bonds steps to the plate against Rudy Seanez ... He launches a shot into the All-You-Can-Eat Pavillion ... Boos and debris are hurled upon him from the stands ... Dodger fans all heave one collective vomit.

I'm getting sick just thinking about it. I am officially pleading with Bruce Bochy to not play Bonds in this series. At least wait til Friday when you visit your old team, the Padres. Have him break the record in Petco to bring shame upon the franchise that failed to appreciate you as a manager.

Please, sir. Do not play the man here. It won't be pretty. I'm sure Dodger fans (the classy bunch that they be) are already getting their bottles, batteries, cups, syringes, and anything else they can find ready as projectile weapons.

It will rain objects and hatred. The umps will have to call the game and the Dodgers will have to forfeit. It will be a disaster. Just, please. Don't play the man.


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